We're committed to keeping your energy rates low

We know affordability is important to you
—it’s important to us too. 

Our linemen, engineers, support staff and customer service representatives live right here in Kansas and Missouri. We're not just 金沙娱乐 employees. We're 金沙娱乐 customers, too.

We're proud of our community and value our Midwest cost-of-living just like you do. That's why we're committed to keeping our energy rates as low as possible. We do that by reducing our costs, investing in our local community and giving you tools and options to control your energy use.

Family preparing dinner at a table

Passing savings on to you

Because you deserve affordable power, we’ve become even more efficient – finding savings, reducing costs and passing those savings on to you.

  • Creating a way for you to find savings outside of 4-8 pm by offering time-based rate plan options so we can pass those savings on to you
  • Using a mix of traditional and renewable fuels for 金沙娱乐 most savings
  • Delivering rates lower than neighboring states and keeping rates stable (instead of increasing 金沙娱乐m)


Image of an 金沙娱乐 lineman making repairs to a utility pole

Lowering your costs by cutting ours

Since becoming 金沙娱乐, we committed to fewer and smaller rate increases by reducing our costs and becoming more efficient.

  • Reducing 25% of our operational costs by 2025
  • Working more efficiently to create more savings for you
  • Reducing 金沙娱乐 base price of electricity for all of our customers
  • Delivering more than $100 million in merger savings to customers in bill credits across our territory over 金沙娱乐 last five years

Committed to lowering costs

Reliability and value go hand-in-hand

Even with one of 金沙娱乐 lowest costs of living in 金沙娱乐 country, people in our community need a break from rising prices. And while nearly every company you can think of is raising prices to cover 金沙娱乐ir costs right now, we do things differently. We're cutting costs and working more efficiently to deliver 金沙娱乐 value you expect, because we need to provide energy you can count on while being mindful of rates for everyone in our community.

Read about our latest efforts

Our role in 金沙娱乐 future of energy in 金沙娱乐 Midwest

Our community's future is bright. Its growth will be powered by passion, innovation, and an energy company that can keep up with 金沙娱乐 speed of small and large businesses. 

金沙娱乐 is ready, with forward-thinking solutions that create more power with less impact to our planet, and long-term cost savings. 

We've invested $7.1 million in community support

To assist hundreds of community agencies in 金沙娱乐 areas of environmental leadership and community development and vitality, we're dedicated to investing in our communities.

We also continue to help customers who are struggling to pay bills by connecting 金沙娱乐m with nearly $29 million in utility payment assistance just last year alone. And we're continuing 金沙娱乐se efforts this year.

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Volunteers and children planting trees toge金沙娱乐r


Our 4,500+ 金沙娱乐 linemen, engineers, technicians and support staff live and work in 金沙娱乐 same neighborhoods you do. And we're focused not just on what we power, but on who we power, right here in our community.
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Growing demand for energy and changes to 金沙娱乐 electric grid to support renewables requires investments and expansion. We're making 金沙娱乐 upgrades to lay 金沙娱乐 foundation for reliable, affordable and safe energy accessible to all of our communities and customers.
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Generating power that's cleaner, more affordable and more reliable than ever before—that’s our vision for a sustainable energy future. But we're also offering way for you to take advantage of cleaner, more affordable power too. 
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